You can also find the original episode on YouTube, with more to follow. Here are the links to the Apple Podcast version below:
We’ve got more listening options than Porsche’s got ways to take your money, so there are also episodes on Spotify, Google Podcasts, or you can use the RSS feed and point your favorite Podcast player at it. Two new episodes should be coming to Apple Podcasts shortly, but in the meantime they’re already on Spotify and other places. Check it out:
The first new episode involves discussion about whale penis leather, crotch vents, and swamp coolers, while the second episode is a great discussion with Mercedes Streeter, Illinois-based owner of far too many vehicles (including a bus, many motorcycles, lots of Smart Cars and Piech-era VWs, and who the hell knows what else). ENJOY! Have you considered a subscriber segment? Bring on one of the readers to talk about their automotive experiences? First car, current fleet, how they see trends going, a layman’s perspective. I would volunteer for that. 🙂 *I WAS going to say ‘except for things like engineering articles’ but now i think about it, maybe those could work well on video at times (My brother and his wife subjected me to Serial on a drive to Sydney for Christmas when that first series came out and I hated it!) I have a drive out to Canbelego next week, so these two new episodes will be great for the run out there.