If one idiot has a crash, it’s exclusively poor driving. If two idiots have near-identical crashes, it’s a fluke. If three or more idiots have near-identical crashes, it’s time to evaluate the infrastructure. Let’s pull up the crash scene on Google Maps so we can get a better picture of what’s going on. Video credit: Michael B You can imagine handling the unexpected turn at speed just fine, hanging off the inside a little even…and then plowing headfirst right into the back of a stopped truck just beyond. Shudder. It also has a frankly ridiculous number of LARGE and REFLECTIVE signs warning about the corner. The issue is Seattle drivers are among the worst (as in most oblivious and uncaring about the road, there vehicles, or anything else that other road-goers pay attention to) in the world, and it’s getting worse by the day. I’m currently trying to find a safe shitbox to daily, as I don’t trust any of these muppets.