Here’s the tweet:

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 29, 2022 So, Elon is saying that the likely 5,000 to 6,000-pound Cybertruck will be waterproof and buoyant enough to float, “briefly,” making it able to “cross rivers, lakes & even seas that aren’t too choppy,” though good luck to you finding a not-too-choppy sea that you can cross, you know, “briefly.” Brief crossings of seas aren’t generally a thing, though there is a car designed in 1938 that has managed to pull off all of the things Elon listed there:

Yes, the humble VW Beetle. That clip up there is from a somewhat modified Beetle known as the Sea-Bug that once attempted to go from Australia to Tazmania, but stock Beetles could perform similar aquatic feats – albeit, as Elon says, briefly – with no modifications at all, something VW even proudly showed in this 1972 commercial:

Other Beetles have made their way across the Straits of Messina, and Sports Illustrated tested the Beetle’s seaworthiness back in 1963 and found that, yeah, it’ll float, for about half an hour.

So, maybe Elon is right about the Cybertruck, and it’ll be able to float for a little while, just like the 20+ million of those cheap little funny-looking cars did decades ago. I hope it does, because I’m all for amphibious vehicles anywhere, any time. Besides, I bet when it’s in the water, a Cybertruck will be harder to see, and I don’t see any downsides there, either. So, future potential Cybertruck owners, whenever that may happen: enjoy your brief, non-choppy crossings of the seas! I logout / clear my info when I change sites.. or shut down for the night. It has been said, that you cant make money from appealing to those who have none… The million people plonked down real, human money to reserve a chance to eventually buy one for $40,000. And lots of vehicles have unibodies.
And those unibodies can (and are) designed to crumple a certain way. If you want to learn how that’s done, watch some Munro Live videos on Youtube where they analyze vehicles and tear them down to study and them out.
Here’s one example with this video on the Kia EV6: SO, how does a person (like Ol Musky) make a “laptop on wheels”.. then sell to people who (many) months ago gave him a low intestest loan. How is he going to make “laptop on wheels” that is “secure enough” to be able to be in contact with water. Sure ya got gaskets and (MUNRO and Associates) people who will help him figure out how its leaking… but that still makes no damn sense. A Laptop on wheels.. that a loudmouth says it will be able to float….

Elon Musk Tweets That Cybertruck Will Have A Feature That VW Beetles Had Over 80 Years Ago - 22Elon Musk Tweets That Cybertruck Will Have A Feature That VW Beetles Had Over 80 Years Ago - 90