I chose this for today because I saw one and was struck by how the front end looks like it has a smaller car parked in the middle there, if you look at it the right way. See what I mean? The inner headlights and grille connect so it looks like there’s one of those ’70s era Austin Allegros or (if you’re looking at the badge) a Renault 12 parked under the hood of the bigger car. Anyway, I like these. See you out there. What a curious creature. Any idea what the performance stats were on these? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/IKA-Renault_Torino Way to balance the content on the site! I may never sleep again. To me, it looks like an overweight Renault 18, with a 77′ Chevelle face… Truly the best of both worlds! https://www.autoweb.com.ar/2020/03/27/los-torino-que-no-fueron/