What’s at the bottom of that pit? Or, if we may be so bold, who? Why is she out there with a rifle? Is she hunting? But what would she be hunting that needs a rifle out there in what looks like a patch of land just cleared for some kind of major construction? There’s a lot of tire tracks there and almost no vegetation, so I don’t think she’s hunting deer or elk or foxes or, you know, pretty much any big mammal that people hunt. Lizards, maybe? But with a rifle? And in a yellow pantsuit? And barefoot? Something isn’t adding up here. She looks pretty proud, too, almost like she’s posing for some other photo, with the photographer off-screen to the left. Is she gloating over some victory? Sending proof to her handlers that she’s, you know, finished the job? Shit’s going down here, and I want to know what manner of shit it is. It’s not good, and it’s not selling Vivas, that’s for damn sure. Also, as user Maymar said, I think this picture will give Quentin Tarantino an aneurysm if he sees it today. So many of his checkboxes… Looks like a diamond mine. As kimberlite pipes erode, kimberlite weathers to a yellowish product referred to as yellow ground.