It’s the radio one that really gets me: Who is this impressing? What potential Sunbeam-Talbot buyer is on the fence until they read that and thought “oh good, I like how they carefully engineered a thing on the car to fit into a hole on the other part of the car! That’s really clever, letting it fit where it’s supposed to go, instead of it, you know, not fitting or falling out! Sunbeam-Talbot for me!” Damn. I guess they missed out on false advertising laws back then. As an aside, should you be claiming that other people pick weird shit to talk about? Or is this one of those “its ok if I say it” things?×1365.jpg Somewhere, in a dusty attic, is a letter saying something like, “Oh, Constance, I so wish you had been here last week! Whitworth took Daddy’s new convertible around the Lake Drive with the top in the Chauffeur Position ( you KNOW he was trying to impress Eunice! ) going far too swiftly, when a gust from a squall simply RIPPED the top right off and deposited it IN the lake!….” Lucky Strike actually started using “It’s Toasted, ” in 1917. Even transistorized radios were very large before the DIN standard became commonplace. I’ve seen PCs that are smaller than those 1970s Delcos. (yes it somehow posted while I was typing, probably a human error…) I’ve not forgiven him for trying to commit me to a life of such existential agony and misgiving…