Welcome back to Comment Of The Day! Every day, we read every single comment posted on our site and pick the one that made us laugh, get informed, or feel warm inside. You don’t have to go into our comments sections and write thousand-word stories about why you love a car so much, but a lot of you do, and that means a lot to us. So we’re highlighting some of the most excellent bits of thought that you’ve formed into words and digitized onto our website. Today I’m cheating a little. We don’t usually work on the weekends, but sometimes we get that writing bug and just crank something out in our off-time. And yet, even when something is posted on a Saturday, you read it. On Saturday, resident rust tamer David Tracy revealed the four cars headed with him to Los Angeles and the fifth staying in storage. I have to give some credit to David. He’s long been my inspiration in collecting the cars that make me smile, and he’s actually working through the tough decisions in paring down his fleet.

One thing that outsiders may not understand about this hobby is that your cars imprint on you. It’s just a box of glass, steel, and plastic, and held up with rubber. For most people, it’s an appliance. But for us, these cars are inanimate friends, beloved like a good dog or cute bird. And the magical thing is that you can love a $350 pile of crap just as much as someone loves a $1m one-off. But there comes a time in life when you have to let go. David managed to overcome the hurdle a bit, and has made a number of his fleet disappear, including two Jeep FCs and a mint-condition Grand Cherokee. Heck, he even got rid of a pretty cherry Lexus LX 470. Now, it’s time to get what’s left to Los Angeles and start a new life. Of course, we are talking about our fearless leader, lord of the rust, and king of the wrench here, so of course two of the vehicles heading down don’t run. David has devised a plan to drive the Ford Mustang and the Jeep J10 to Los Angeles. But his EV project Jeep Cherokee Golden Eagle and overland project Jeep Grand Cherokee 5-Speed are currently immobile. How does he get them down there?

The Autopian community showed its kindness in the post. But for me, the one that really made me smile, and thus is our COTD winner, is reader Redneckvolution: It looks like David and Redneckvolution may be brewing something up. And in our typical reader fashion, the replies were fun. Albino Kangaroo suggests a reader convoy, while BMWEEEEE has an idea for a raffle betting on what cars will fail, and where. StillNotATony has my favorite idea yet, and it’s following David like we’re Immortan Joe’s War Boys from Mad Max: Fury Road. Yes to all of this, please! This sounds like the road trip of a lifetime. I live in Cincinnati, so not a far drive from your Detroit digs. If you can find a suitable trailer, I can get at least one of the rigs out to LA for you, and I’ll cut you a deal on the drive. I’ve been a professional hotshot logistics driver since 2017 and have proper insurance and such. The only catch is that I want to co-write an article with you about transporting the rig for you. I also have a B.A. Degree in Journalism and am a photographer/videographer and have low-key been wanting to be a contributor for a while, but just been too busy working to get serious about it. Lemme know, Lord of the Rust. But really, Redneckvolution‘s comment warmed my heart. Between all of the bad that you can find on the internet and sometimes in the car world, this comment is a reminder of the good that’s out there. You don’t have to do any of this, and yet, here are strangers offering our lead man some help on his journey out west. I can’t speak for David, but I love this. You can still find places of awesome car culture (one place is Opposite-Lock) and I’m happy to say that we have it here, too. My hope is that with time, this community will continue to grow, and accelerate car culture in a positive direction with it. Thank you, Redneckvolution!

Support our mission of championing car culture by becoming an Official Autopian Member. • Remember When Automakers Offered Many Different Body Styles Of The Same Car? COTD • North Carolina Man Raises Awareness For The Cheap Mitsubishi Mirage And Great Value Cream Cheese At The Same Time: COTD • Here Are The Four Cars I’ve Decided To Bring With Me To My New Los Angeles Apartment Do like a freshly caught cockle of the seafood variety, though. https://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/books/what-are-the-cockles-of-your-heart-and-why-do-they-need-warming-20050212-gdkogx.html I’m not a bit surprised that people in the community are willing to help. I’d love to help too, but the trade off that comes with the outstanding number of days off I get in my line of work, is I do not get to choose when they happen.

A Reader Reminds Us That The Car Community Still Has Plenty Of Heart  COTD - 76A Reader Reminds Us That The Car Community Still Has Plenty Of Heart  COTD - 77A Reader Reminds Us That The Car Community Still Has Plenty Of Heart  COTD - 47A Reader Reminds Us That The Car Community Still Has Plenty Of Heart  COTD - 66A Reader Reminds Us That The Car Community Still Has Plenty Of Heart  COTD - 5